As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, ‘If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace – but now it is hidden from your eyes. Luke 19:41–42
Today we begin our walk with Jesus towards His crucifixion. Following his triumphal entry into the city, whose name means ‘foundation of peace’, Jesus laments the upcoming rebellion of the city and its people. Only faith in Christ can bring true peace; in rejecting Jesus we create conflict and chaos.
The degree to which Jesus loves us is evident in the tears He shed over the city. Not tears about His own fate, but tears for others. The nature of God is always to yearn for the best interest of others. Life may offer us a bumpy ride, yet God wants to accompany us over the bumps.
When I’ve faced personal loss and disappointment I quickly become self-absorbed. ‘Why me!’, I exclaim. It seems so unfair. Yet, if I paused long enough to draw the lens back and look more closely at my neighbourhood, I’d discover individuals facing huge and unwelcome challenges.
Indeed, partly because of my age, I see so many friends battling issues of ill health, redundancy or grief. Jesus continues to prophesy Jerusalem’s destruction. If we fail to turn to God then our destruction is the consequence. The whole drama of this week is the revelation that despite our inability to save ourselves, we have been given a Saviour. One who knows us inside out, yet still loves us entirely.
Much of my life I’ve chased acceptance and affirmation, both aspects of love. I’ve attempted to disguise my less attractive traits in that pursuit. Yet I’ve let myself down all too often and when my attempts to win love fail, I readily blame others, not myself. Like Jerusalem I remained blind for too long, failing to acknowledge, and then discover, true peace is found in God alone.
Something to Consider: Are you able to discover God as you navigate bumps along life’s path?
An Action to Take: Consider one such painful bump you have faced, or are now experiencing. What might you learn that can be of value not just to yourself, but to others in similar circumstances?
A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, open my eyes so that I can find you in the difficult challenges life presents me with.’
Photo by Cristina Zaragoza on Unsplash
Used with Permission