‘For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.’ (v4) Romans 15:1–7
Hope gives us a sense of expectation. It grows from a root of trust. Approaching Scripture, I anticipate finding something fresh in my friendship with God. For it’s a treasury of blessing and encouragement for all seeking instruction in making sense of and fully appreciating life.
We’ve already noted the Bible is a library of books – sixty-six to be exact. These books are not all the same; we have God’s laws for life, poetry, history, and prophecy.
The opening book, Genesis, deals with the purpose of life from its origins, whilst the final book, Revelation, addresses the end of time itself.
Whilst all of Scripture is inspired, both for our instruction and spiritual formation, we find it presented in a variety of forms. I remember my wife Katey returning from a training weekend with Trevor Partridge and excited at the idea of copying key verses from the psalms and placing them prominently around the house.
Each day, whether brushing her teeth or packing her bag, she recited the verses and allowed them to become a part of her life. A very different approach to my academic method. Yet, we each grew in our faithfulness and love of God.
We’re invited to find our way to engage with Scripture to learn to live every day with Jesus. This will take time and exploration on our part.
Related Scripture to Consider: Josh. 1:1–9; Psa. 119:97–104; Luke 24:13–49; 2 Thess. 2:13–17.
A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, help me discover my best approach to Scripture so that I might daily deepen my friendship with You and learn to live every day with Jesus. Amen.’
Photo by Priscilla du Preez on Unsplash