‘Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.’ (vv16–18) 1 Thessalonians 5:12–24
It can be assumed that living and serving God is restrictive, given the open nature of today’s society. Whilst we cannot determine the direction within which society moves, we can take responsibility in the degree to which we will swim with the tide.
My own experience in building my relationship with God is that I have made some poor decisions along the way. My words and actions have hurt others in my attempts to protect myself. This I imagine is true for all of those who have embraced the challenge of living every day with Jesus. Scripture is clear: the human heart is instinctively wicked.
No matter how I wrestle with it, I cannot correct its drift towards wrongdoing. However, we have only to submit to God in humble acceptance that without Him we can do nothing. But with God, we are invited to live by a clear set of values and practices. Learning to rejoice and give thanks in all circumstances is tough when circumstances are not what we anticipated or desired.
Yet, it is God’s challenge to each of us to first find Him where we are. This requires prayer and yields tremendous fruit. For the greatest evidence of the love of God is a life lived in celebration of His promise and purpose. It takes courage born of faith in the promise of God to live the Christian life.
It is that faith we are to nurture each day, which we can only do as we deliberately take time with Jesus every day.
Related Scripture to Consider: Psa. 40:1–5; Jer. 17:5–10; Col. 3:1–4; James 4:6–12.
An Action to Take: Consider what prevents you from spending time daily with God and living the life of a disciple as described in the Bible.
A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, help me to rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances. Amen.’
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