
‘He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”’ (v10) Psalm 46

After a powerful prayer meeting, we are returned to life’s everyday reality. We need to develop the habit of finding God in our everyday experience. We can then testify to His ever-present help when trouble engulfs us (Psa. 46:1–3).

My greatest battles are in my own mind. It will, unaided, conjure up all sorts of frightening scenarios. Such thoughts are real and intimidating.

I can struggle to find the courage to confront them. They have the power to wake and rob me of my sleep; no time is quite as lonely as those wakeful, early morning hours.

Yet, the psalmist, considering life’s horrors, declares these simple words, ‘Be still and know’. The basis for such quiet confidence is the reality that God is with us; a fortress within whom we can take shelter.

When I wake in the early hours, feeling disconcerted and stressed, internally restless – almost breathless – I get up and go to my place of prayer. It’s often a battle to focus on God, but slowly I do battle to take my stand in stillness and in calm.

The battle is to be expected, for the devil always wants to destabilise us, to intimidate us and place doubts in our head. Satan’s first question is always, ‘Has God said…?’ The temptation is to be overwhelmed by, and begin to drown beneath our situation; the challenge is to rest in the provision and protection of God as our fortress.

Related Scripture to Consider: Gen. 3:1–13; Psa. 18:1–6; 1 Cor. 2:10–16; 2 Cor. 4:1–12.

An Action to Take: Establish a regular place to pray and read Scripture in your home. By going there you will remind yourself that God is your fortress, ‘an ever-present help in trouble’ (Psa. 46:1).

A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, when sleepless and distressed may I turn to prayer and learn to be still and know Your presence. Amen.’

Photo by Sunil Naik on Unsplash

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.