Isaac - The Promised Son (Genesis 21 - 35)

  1. What is the meaning of Isaac? (Gen 21:3)


2. Name the father of Isaac? (Gen 21:5)

3. How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? (Gen 21:5)

4. Name Isaac’s brother who was born to Hagar? (Gen 21:8-10)

5. What did Abraham sacrifice on the altar instead of Isaac? (Gen 22:13)

6. Abraham commanded that Isaac should not marry a ________________ . (Gen 24:3)

7. Where was Isaac when he first saw Rebekah? (Gen 24:63)

8. What returns did Isaac receive from the crops he sowed in Gerar? (Gen 26:12)

9. To whom did Isaac mention that Rebecca was his sister? (Gen 26:8-9)

10. What did Isaac suffer from in his old age? (Gen 27:1)

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