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‘All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast. Better a little with the fear of the LORD than great wealth with turmoil.’ (vv15–16) Proverbs 15:13–18

The consistent promise in the Bible is that fullness of life comes from God alone (Col. 2.9). This challenges human wisdom, and indeed Scripture tells the story of humanity’s natural inconsistency, vacillating between following God and natural instinct.

Humanity’s perennial search for contentment is uppermost in people’s minds today. The relentless search for ‘wellbeing’ dominates public debate. Contentment means being happy with present conditions.

Interestingly, many believe that changing the situation is the source of true happiness. In truth, it consists of changing one’s attitude and approach to current circumstances.

Scripture reveals that this remains beyond our reach until, and unless, we find and make our peace with God. He has communicated fullness of life through Jesus, so peace is always available. We are the ones who must activate our experience of this peace through choosing to surrender to God.

Of course, the theory is all too easy to express; entering the experience of truth is altogether different. Yet this is what our mortal life is for, a school in discovering the presence of God in our life in every moment of every day.

The question is, am I ready to go to school every day? How else might I grow in grace and learn to taste and see that the Lord is good (Psa. 34:8)?

RELATED SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psa. 34; Isa. 58:6–14; Matt. 6:25–34; 1 Cor. 7:17–24.

AN ACTION TO TAKE: No lesson is easy to master. Learning to practise the way of God every day is our challenge. Will we embrace it?

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, teach me how to live fully in every circumstance of my life. Amen.’

Photo by Irma Sharikadze on Wikimedia Commons