Jacob and His Family (Genesis 29 - 31)

1. Who said, “You are my own flesh and blood”? (Gen 29.14)


2. How many years did Jacob work to marry Rachel? (Gen 29.20)


3. Why did Rachel become jealous of her sister? (Genesis 30.1)


4. Why did Rachel name her son “Dan”? (Gen 30.6)


5. How did God take away Rachel’s disgrace? (Gen 30.22-24)


6. Why did Laban want Jacob to stay back? (Gen 30.27)


7. Where did the Lord instruct Jacob to go? (Gen 31.3)


8. How did Laban cheat Jacob? (Gen 31.7)


9. How did Laban and Jacob make the covenant between them? (Gen 31.45-48)


10. What is the meaning of Mizpah? (Gen 31.49)


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