barnabas today devotionals deep love

‘Glorify the LORD with me: let us exalt his name together.’ (v3) Psalm 34:1–3

 God’s infinitude is mirrored in the countless ways we can choose to meet Him. It’s easy to fall into a habitual style in our approach to God. However, we know that relationships can waste away when treated as a duty, for familiarity breeds contempt. 

Both individually, and as congregations, we are invited to ‘grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge’ (Eph. 3:18–19a). As we explore our relationship with God we discover more of that ‘measure of all the fullness of God’ (Eph. 3:19b).

Time can be our greatest enemy in this regard. With so much to do every day, how are we to make the time to encounter God? We are all constructed differently and will therefore develop different paths along which to travel to meet with God.

Whilst privileged with so many resources (increasingly available online) to encourage our friendship with the Lord, God still invites us to build a pattern, a lifestyle, within which this rich relationship might grow. God’s objective is that everything else falls into shadow in the light of His acceptance and love (Heb. 1:3).

In a similar way to how we focus on building our career, our material security and our family life, God asks us to establish deeper friendship with Himself; one that grows every day, and deepens our faith.

barnabas today bible verse psalm 34.3

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Gen. 4:1–7; Psa. 34:4–22; Rom. 8:31–39; Eph. 1:3–14.

AN ACTION TO TAKE: When you consider life, whilst there are sources of anxiety, remember to give thanks to God for who He is, not just for what He does.

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, I lift up my voice and give You praise and thanks for Your boundless love for me. Amen.’

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Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.