Exodus 6:1–8 ‘Moreover, I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians are enslaving, and I have remembered my covenant.’ (v5)
As Christians, we are always invited to take the long view. I recall that when so-called credit cards were first introduced, one marketing strapline read, ‘It takes the waiting out of wanting’. The focus was on immediate gratification, a virtue in our materialistic society. Yet, the very name credit was an attempt to place a positive spin on what is accumulating debt.
Many people are unaware of the high-interest rates charged for unpaid ‘credit’ and this has led many into financial distress and the mental health challenges that easily follow. When life takes an unexpected turn, as it did when I had to stop work to care for my first wife, the income that serviced my debts significantly reduced and I was left with a rising tide of debt to service. Life can appear quite threatening and it can feel like God’s promises are far removed from the realities we experience.
The Israelites experienced slavery for over 400 years (Acts 7:6), so, as someone wisely said, God’s clock keeps perfect time. In yielding to God, we offer our lives into God’s service and choose not to determine our own timetable or implement our personal preferences in life. However, we can each seek to encounter God’s presence in the reality of every breath we take, every moment we live. We must ask ourselves, can we live with God’s long-term purpose in each and every one of life’s challenges?
Scripture to consider: Exod. 12:31–42; Lam. 3:19–33; Rom. 5:1–11; James 5:7–20.
A prayer to make: ‘Lord, help me in times of trouble to keep my eyes on the prize. Amen.’
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