Hebrews 12:22–29 ‘You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.’ (vv23b–24)
The Israelites received the Law on Mount Sinai (Exod. 19:20), yet our freedom was won on a hill outside Jerusalem, where Jesus was impaled on the cross. Jerusalem is also called Zion, the city of David, and serves forever as a metaphor for the Saviour, Jesus Christ. We’re invited to approach Mount Zion, Jesus Himself, in our prayers. Here we encounter the reality who is Jesus, who mediates God’s forgiveness.
Because of God’s grace we stand on a level playing field, forgiven sinners. There’s no hierarchy among the forgiven; we are one Church, a testimony to God’s redemptive gift for all. Christ’s sacrifice provokes humility, for who amongst us is without sin? Yet, all of us are accepted by God’s invitation to enjoy an eternity with God and with each other. This is God’s primary purpose, to draw all humanity into friendship with Himself by Jesus’ work on the cross. The Law was given to one ethnic group in the middle of a desolate desert.
Through the cross the people of God expands and becomes inclusive of all who embrace Jesus and who are drawn into Zion, the city of God. Here is a vision of our future, and a revelation of the character of the kingdom which Jesus invited us to pray might come on earth before Christ’s return and the end of time. A dramatic picture, but one that helps us understand the purpose and context of our daily life.
Scripture to consider: Exod. 19:1–25; Psa. 125; Isa. 8:11–22; Rev. 14:1–13.
An action to take: What obstacles in your life prevent God’s kingdom shining through?
A prayer to make: ‘Lord, thank You that I am totally and completely forgiven. Amen.’
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