Acts 17:24–28 ‘God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.’ (v27)
Our church runs Cultural Fridays every month. Recently we enjoyed Southampton University’s professor of astrophysics speaking on the mystery of the universe. Listening to how our multiple galaxies are so finely balanced, and indeed how much remains beyond human understanding, it seemed less unreasonable to believe in God, the designer of all that is.
Our confidence in God is challenged from many directions. Our own experiences can quickly dampen our enthusiasm for trusting Him, yet ultimately Christianity stands and falls on the confidence of its followers. There isn’t, and never will be, a conclusive piece of evidence in God’s favour, for only in uncertainty can we truly practise faith.
Scripture clearly states that belief in a limitless power greater than ourselves is neither absurd nor insane. It is a calculated choice based on the evidence surrounding the life and ministry of Jesus, together with the testimonies of Christian believers down the centuries.
Once we choose to subscribe to such a belief, faith is born, and we have a framework for life, one that treats both success and disappointment the same. Initially our knowledge and understanding is minimal, yet through perseverance and by attending to the practices commended in Scripture, we begin to understand and increase our confidence in God’s plan for humanity. God is a power greater than ourselves, and like the universe a source of many unanswered questions. Yet, as surely as there is a universe, there is our God – eternal, accessible and personable.
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: 2 Chron. 20:2–9; Isa. 45:1–10; Phil. 4:10–13; Eph. 3:14–21.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Are there questions you have about God’s power in practice? Write them down and bring them to God.
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, I bow before Your great power. Your name is majestic throughout the world. Amen.’ (Psa. 8)
Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash