Revelation 12:10–12‘They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.’ (v11)
Committed to walking in Jesus’ footsteps as a disciple, we enjoy a quiet confidence in our faith. We don’t expect simple answers to life’s challenging questions but benefit from a friendship with our creator, plus a clear framework in which to locate our life experience and find its meaning. I’m asked many questions from neighbours and friends, and although I haven’t satisfactory answers for every issue, I do have a compelling context to present the claims of an eternal God, however provisional my responses might appear.
It is only with the end of time, as we understand it that everything can come into focus. Until then, life is finely balanced and, just like the universe, if things were slightly different from how they actually are, we wouldn’t exist. Life progresses on fine margins. Who dares predict the nature of our health, financial stability or world peace? What appears to be a small decision, saying yes to God, creates an exponential change in the life of the decision-maker.
Not immediately apparent, it can, under pressure, yield a testimony in both word and action that challenges what might be termed common sense. It is the basis on which every martyr has preferred death to denying their Christian allegiance. Our walk of faith is building confidence in the God we pursue and strengthening our understanding of the mystery who is the Lord of all. This can be described as living within the tension of the now and the not yet.
Scripture to consider: Psa. 103:13–22; Dan. 2:26–49; Luke 17:20–25; John 18:28–40.
An action to take: We live between two worlds, the kingdom of this world and the kingdom of God. Which has the greatest influence on your life choices?
A prayer to make: ‘Lord, yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, now and forever. Amen.’ (1 Chron. 29:11a)
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash