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Luke 11:1–8 ‘I tell you, even though he will not get up and give you the bread because of friendship, yet because of your shameless audacity he will surely get up and give you as much as you need.’ (v8)

It’s important to note in Luke’s account that the Lord’s Prayer emerges from the disciples’ observation of how Jesus chose to live. Whilst it can be challenging to make time to pray once our day has gathered momentum, it remains important that we do pray. It is why my preference is to pray before my day begins. This means setting my alarm to allow for a good time for prayer and contemplation before my routine kicks in. I have my place of solitude where I sit away from distractions. This is a place that I use consistently for prayer and for nothing else but reading. Jesus took Himself away, alone and at a time when He wouldn’t be interrupted.

All prayer is best begun with considering God, and here we acknowledge God’s name, kingdom and will. God’s will is His kingdom, which is why it is not found in some manuscripts. So we start by considering God, not ourselves. But then we are to appeal to God for our provision, pardon and protection, the basics that ensure we can continue to love and serve God. Indeed, the Lord’s Prayer illustrates how simple the Christian life is meant to be. Jesus summarised the Law as loving God and neighbour, and we do this through honouring God’s name whilst submitting to His will. It is then that we are encouraged by God’s goodness expressed throughout life even as circumstances blur our vision or seek to strike fear within our hearts.

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Deut. 6:4–12; Zeph. 3:14–20; Mark 12:28–34; John 3:16–21.

AN ACTION TO TAKE: It’s a challenge to measure our life against God’s simple plan. Is simplicity something that attracts us? If not, why?

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, help me to build my life upon Your two priorities; loving God and loving neighbour. Amen.’