Read 1 Kings 21: 1 – 19 ( Watch the Story)
Questions for Conversations
- What is this passage about?
- Imaginatively present this story as a Media News story (Ask the group to prepare a presentation)
- Why did Ahab want Naboth’s vineyard? Why would he not take no for an answer? Why did Jezebel do what she did to Naboth? What do you think of these attitudes?
- Does land grabbing happen in your context/s? What are the contemporary stories of land grabbing in your contexts? What do you think of these?
- Was Naboth right in refusing the King’s proposal? What do you think of Ahab’s offer of compensation? If you were Naboth’s neighbour, What would you have told him? Why?
- What is God telling you through the passage? What are you going to do in response to God’s Word?
Bible Study Design
Session 1 – Plenary (10 minutes)
Ask 2 or 3 people to read the passage and invite the group to listen to the reading of the passage. Ask the group to respond to the question.
What is this passage about?
Session – 2: Discussion in Small Groups (15 minutes)
Imaginatively present this story as a Media News story
Ask the group to prepare a presentation
Session – 3: Presentation in Groups (15 minutes)
Session – 4: Discussion in small groups (15 Minutes)
Why did Ahab want Naboth’s vineyard? Why would he not take no for an answer? Why did Jezebel do what she did to Naboth? What do you think of these attitudes?
Have one person in the group to record the discussion and ready to present it.
Session – 5: Presentation in Groups (15 minutes)
Have the groups present their discussion to the larger group. Highlight/comment on significant points of view in the discussion. You may ask counter questions to bring alive the discussion between groups.
Session – 6: Discussion in Small groups
Does land grabbing happen in your context/s? What are the contemporary stories of land grabbing in your contexts? What do you think of these?
Session – 7: Presentation in Groups (15 Minutes)
Session – 8: Discussion in Small groups (15 minutes)
Was Naboth right in refusing the King’s proposal? What do you think of Ahab’s offer of compensation? If you were Naboth’s neighbour, what would you have told him? Why?
Session – 9: Presentation in Groups (15 Minutes)
Session – 10: Plenary (15 minutes)
What is God telling you through the passage? What are you going to do in response to God’s Word? (Ask the group to share one/two things they have learnt through the study)
Ask the group to share one/two things they have learnt through the study.
Close with prayer
This is part of Learning In Fellowship Together (LIFT) Bible Study Series. It is best for youth and young professionals.
Created by kjpargeter on freepik