This letter is from Paul – Philippians 1:1
Paul wrote the epistle to the Philippians. Did you know Paul was a prolific writer? During his three mission trips, Paul preached the Gospel in several cities around the Roman Empire. His preaching of the Gospel resulted in the founding of the Church in the significant cities of the Empire.
Paul wrote many letters to these growing churches. Paul’s letters also helped the churches address doctrinal issues, expose heresy, and deal with cultural challenges. Here are some lessons we can learn from the Apostle Paul:
Paul was uniquely gifted
Although Paul was Jewish by birth, he was a Roman citizen. He grew up in Tarsus and firmly understood Greek culture and philosophy. Moreover, he was a student of the great teacher Gamaliel.
Thus, Paul was uniquely gifted with the expertise to expand the Gospel message. In his letters, Paul helped churches understand the theological significance of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Besides, these letters also explored the connections between Christ’s being – belief and behaviour.
Paul used his ‘social location’, ‘education’ and ‘gift of writing’ to serve the needs of individuals and churches across the Roman Empire.
Paul had a passion for writing
Paul wrote many letters to encourage spiritual growth and Christian witness. Paul was uniquely gifted, but you can’t consistently write without passion. Paul would not have been able to write as many epistles to the churches without true love, genuine passion, and a sincere heart for discipling.
- Paul did not have a ‘touch and go’ evangelistic approach. Paul was emotionally attached to the congregations, church leaders and his co-labourers.
- Paul saw great value in follow-up and intentional discipling. He genuinely loved people and wanted to see them go further in their faith journey.
- Paul saw his letters as an extension of himself.
Paul’s letter to the Church at Philippi bears testimony to his love, sense of calling and heart to disciple.
Paul had the discipline to write
Paul was extremely busy preaching the Gospel, making mission trips and managing his tent-making enterprise. And yet, he wrote letters to individuals (Timothy, Titus, Philemon) and churches (in Galatia, Rome, Corinth, Colossae, Philippi, Ephesus, and Thessalonica).
It must have taken time, effort and discipline to write. Paul wrote some of these letters during his missionary travels. Paul wrote the Epistle to the Philippians during his imprisonment. Paul also seems to have used his time wisely.
Paul’s writings are a gift to us even today. God has made us unique. He gives us specific gifts and talents. Moreover, He gives us opportunities to prepare and serve the common good. Do we use ‘gifts’, ‘talents’ and ‘opportunities’ to build God’s kingdom?
Questions for Aha Moments
- Should Christians write? Do I use my education, experience and expertise to write?
- Am I aware of my unique gifting to serve God? Do I invest my time, effort and discipline to develop these ‘gifts’ given to serve the common good?
- What is my passion? How can I be productive?
By Burst in Business