Having trouble with useless distractions, bad habits, or adverse influences? Maybe it is time for each of us to ask ourselves what really matters. Learn More!
‘But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.’ (vv7–8)
Knowing what matters is an essential quality in life and work. If we react to everything in the same way or treat everything with the same priority, then we risk focusing on the wrong things or allowing less important matters to distract us from those that really matter.
Maybe it is time for each of us to ask ourselves what really matters -giving all we do to Him and for His Kingdom service.
The apostle Paul knew what really mattered. Reflecting back on his ‘old way of life’, where as a Pharisee he would have been recognised and revered, the apostle tells us that this paled into insignificance in comparison to knowing and following Jesus, ‘for whose sake [he had] lost all things’ (v8b).
It can be easy for us today to be distracted from our pursuit of knowing and following Christ.
Long working hours, paying the bills, family, friends – all important, yet all needing to be kept in balance as we seek to serve King Jesus.
It can be easy for us today to be distracted from our pursuit of knowing and following Christ.
There may also be other things that we need to jettison: unhelpful distractions, habits, even influences.
As we focus on knowing and following Christ, perspective can be gained on everything else, as Jesus said, ‘Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well’ (Matt. 6:33).
Maybe it is time for each of us to ask ourselves what really matters -giving all we do to Him and for His Kingdom service.

Psalm 112:1–10; Isa. 26:1–21; Matt. 6:25–34; Heb. 12:1–3

Think about those things that take our time and that we prioritise.
Do they help or hinder our focus on Christ?

‘Lord, help me to know what really matters, to focus on Your things,
Your calling and plans for my life, Your kingdom. Amen.’
Photo by Elena Taranenko on Unsplash