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Read Isaiah 52:7–10

‘How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”’ (v7)

In the midst of darkness and despair, Isaiah chapter 52 proclaimed hope for the people of God. The message of verses 7 through to 10 is a great message for us to share this Christmas too.

Isaiah announces it as ‘good news’ of ‘peace’ and ‘salvation’ (v7), something to shout about (v8)! A message that causes God’s people to sing, a message that brings comfort and speaks of redemption (v9) – something for all nations (v10).

This was welcome news of hope from Isaiah to a people thirsty for good news in the midst of their challenges and struggles.

The current times we find ourselves in are also dark times for many people. People caught in conflict and war, or perhaps those with relational or other life challenges.

The Christmas message is also a message of good news. A message that declares the peace and salvation available in Christ, a message to shout and sing about.

In the midst of life’s challenges, Christmas speaks of comfort and redemption, available for all people.

As we go about our everyday business this Christmas season, we too can spread this good news message – perhaps in the way we treat people, or how we share the good news of the gospel as the Lord opens opportunity to do so.

Wherever we place our feet this Christmas, they can be beautiful feet as we share the message of hope and reconciliation.

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord Jesus, thank You that in the midst of bad news, You bring good news – something to sing and shout about. Amen.’
AN ACTION TO TAKE: How beautiful are our ‘feet’? How might we use each day to bring a message of hope?
SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psalm 98:1–9; Isa. 44:23; Nahum 1:15; Mark 1:1–3
Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.