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Genesis 41:39–45 ‘There is no one so discerning and wise as you.’ (v39)

At last we see some light on the dark path that has been Joseph’s life to date. And, if we take a closer look, there is more light than we might first think. We can see how Joseph gives glory to God and is much less about himself and his own importance. God has used Joseph’s story to make him into more of the man he needed for the task ahead of him.

As we see Joseph’s power being restored, this time he is living life with a humility and giving God the glory instead of seeking it out for himself. We can begin to see God’s good plan all along. Sometimes we have to be brought low in order for the Lord to lift us up. We become more of the people God intends us to be not despite the pain but because of it.

He uses the dark places in our lives to make us more like Christ. We then learn to embrace difficulty knowing that a loving God is indeed working out all things for the good of those who love Him. We can begin to count our difficulties as joys, as we are encouraged to do in James.


A Prayer to Make:
‘Lord, help to keep my eyes on You and find joy in difficulty because You are at work. Amen.’

An Action to Take:
Reflect on tough times in your life when God has brought you through, working everything for His good purposes.

Scripture to Consider:
Ps. 119:103–105; Isa. 25:1–4; Jas 1:2–5 & 4:7–10; 1 Pet. 5:5–11

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.