How strongly do you believe in the power of prayer? When people pray, things can change for the better. Here are three lessons we learn about Prayer from Apostle Paul’s letter to the Church at Philippi! Explore!
Yes, and I will rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this will turn out for my deliverance – Philippians 1:19
Prayer makes a BIG difference.
The apostle Paul was a man of prayer. He constantly prayed for the church at Philippi. Paul also knew that the church at Philippi was fervently praying for him because of his imprisonment.
Paul had faith that the church’s prayers would help him and change his situation for the better. Paul knew that prayer could make a huge difference.
Prayer helps us rejoice even in our hardships.
Paul’s future was uncertain. Moreover, he had to deal with jealousy and competition from those on the preaching circuit. They were determined to make his life difficult. Things weren’t easy. And yet, Paul says, “I will rejoice.” Paul could rejoice because of his confidence in the power of prayer! Paul could rejoice because of his confidence in prayer.
Paul (later in the Epistle) exhorts the church to “rejoice in the Lord” (Phil 4:4), for they can make their requests known to God ” through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving” ( Phil 4:6).
He reminds the church that they need not be “anxious” about anything (Phil 4:6) but pray to find “peace,” whatever the circumstances may be. Paul discovered hope and encouragement in the larger prayer network.
Prayer provides hope and encouragement in every struggle.
Paul was certain that the prayer support he received would sustain him. He discovered hope and encouragement in the larger prayer network. Paul was confident that Jesus would listen to his prayers and answers them.
Prayers have the power to turn things around. We can bless each other through our prayers. Your prayer matters.