Urgent repairs were carried out at the Christian hospital in Tank, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan after it was damaged by devastating flooding between July and September 2022.
Barnabas funded the restoration of the hospital building, its church and Sunday school, as well as replacing water-damaged medicines and equipment.
The speed at which the structural repairs were carried out was a great encouragement to the area’s minority Christian community. “The hospital does not look damaged; rather it looks regenerated,” a local Christian commented.

While the worst of the flooding was in Sindh province, other areas – parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa included – were seriously affected.
A spokesman for the hospital said the repairs had given new life to the buildings. “The light of God with which we reach the people will keep on shining. Thank you,” he added.
Praise God that the Christian hospital at Tank was able to recover swiftly from the devastating floods. Pray that the light of God will continue to shine on patients through the work of the hospital’s dedicated team of Christian medical and ancillary staff.
This article originally appeared on Barnabas Fund/News