Discipleship is a key element of the Christian faith, characterised by following Jesus, learning from him, and striving to become more like him. In the Gospel of Mark, we see Jesus calling his disciples and imparting them the principles of discipleship in the Kingdom of God.
In this article, we will delve into these principles and their significance in modern-day discipleship.
Faith and Obedience:
The initial principle of discipleship in the Kingdom of God is based on faith and obedience. Jesus summons his first disciples, Simon and Andrew, with the words, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This call necessitates faith in Jesus and obedience to his commands.
In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus instructs his disciples to place their trust in God and obey his instructions. This principle is fundamental to anyone who desires to be a disciple of Jesus.
Humility and Service:
The second principle of discipleship in the Kingdom of God is humility and service. In Mark 9:33-35, the disciples quarrel over who among them is the greatest. Jesus’ response is simple but powerful, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
This principle highlights the necessity of humility and service in discipleship. We must be willing to disregard our own desires and ambitions and serve others, just as Jesus did.
Sacrifice and Generosity:
The third principle of discipleship in the Kingdom of God is sacrifice and generosity. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus observes a destitute widow depositing two small coins into the temple treasury.
He notes that she has given more than the wealthy, who gave out of their abundance while she gave out of her poverty. This principle underscores the value of sacrificial giving and generosity in discipleship. We must be willing to give freely and generously, just as Jesus gave his life for us.
Love and Compassion:
The fourth principle of discipleship in the Kingdom of God is love and compassion. In Mark 12:28-34, a legal expert asks Jesus which commandment is the most crucial. Jesus answers, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself.” This principle stresses the importance of loving God and others. We must show compassion to others and demonstrate the love of Christ.
In conclusion, the principles of discipleship in the Kingdom of God are anchored in faith and obedience, humility and service, sacrifice and generosity, and love and compassion. These principles are crucial for anyone who wants to be a disciple of Jesus.
As we follow Jesus and learn from him, may we integrate these principles into our lives and become more like him. As Jesus says in Mark 8:34, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Let us all embrace the courage and commitment to be true disciples of Jesus.
This is part 6 of the series “Discipleship”.