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Think of a world where kindness reigns, compassion flows freely, and forgiveness mends broken hearts. Realistically, this may seem impossible. However, we can turn this dream into a reality as followers of Christ.

According to the Bible, we are commanded to be kind and compassionate as a matter of choice. Our secret weapon is kindness, which can transform lives and illuminate the path to discipleship. Ephesians 4:32 (NIV): “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

Let’s embark on a thrilling adventure as we explore a Bible verse on kindness and discover how it propels us on the journey of discipleship.

Reflecting Christ’s Kindness

Firstly, The greatest act of kindness and forgiveness is Jesus laying down His life for us. Talk about an epic display of love! Now, it’s our turn to pass on that kindness to others. We need to be like Jesus, showing the world what His love looks like in action.

Compassion and Empathy

Kindness isn’t just about holding doors open or flashing a smile; it’s more about showing compassion and empathy. It’s important that we feel what others feel, walk a mile in their shoes, and then respond with genuine care. Kindness is about offering people comfort and hope, particularly in their darkest moments.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

We’ve all messed up, made mistakes, and hurt others (intentionally or unintentionally). However, guess what? Jesus forgave us, and now it is our turn to forgive others. This can help us mend broken relationships, repair shattered pieces, and create bonds stronger than glue.

Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash

Kindness as a Witness

Imagine yourself walking down the street and people keep asking, “Why are you different?” Yes, we can become a megaphone for God, proclaiming his love and grace to a world in need of it. People can question what they believe and instead, consider following Jesus when they see our witness.

Cultivating a Lifestyle of Kindness

Lastly, Being kind is a lifestyle. Kindness should be as natural as breathing, woven into our very identity. So, let’s make it a habit, a reflex, a default setting in our hearts.


Surely, Kindness is our best weapon on this thrilling discipleship journey. Are you ready? When we unleash the power of kindness, we become agents of change, ambassadors of love, and walking billboards for Jesus.

Samuel Thambusamy is a PhD candidate with the Oxford Center for Religion and Public Life.