By rawf8

1 Kings 11:1–13 ‘As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods…’ (v4)

Hearing about leaders who succumb to temptation – often through illicit sexual relationships – can feel rather clichéd, as it seems to happen so often.

Perhaps the power that leaders are given fuels illusions of them being impervious to correction. But when the truth comes out, they still have to face the consequences, just as Solomon did.

This king may have received great wisdom, but he squandered it in foolish living. Solomon pursued so many women that they couldn’t even be counted!

As a biblical commenter explained, the ancient reader would have understood that the number of wives, concubines and children appearing in multiples of seven and three symbolised a formula of uncountable numbers.

Many of these wives were foreign princesses from the very nations that God forbade Solomon and the Israelites to associate with.

The Lord’s laws were for the protection of His people; He had their best interests at heart. Solomon, however, succumbed to his wayward passions and these alliances proved to be his downfall.

He turned from God, and God said that He would therefore ‘tear the kingdom away’ from him (v11). Yet the Lord exercised grace, for He promised to do so only after Solomon had died.

We can support leaders through praying for them, whether our local church leader or someone in a position of national or international leadership.

We don’t know how God might answer our prayers.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord Jesus Christ, You gave up Your place at the right hand of Your Father to become a man and live as one of us. Thank You for being the ultimate servant leader. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Support a leader today with prayer, care or an offer of practical support.

Scripture To Consider:
Job 12:23–25; Ps. 2:10–11; Rom. 13:1–5; 1 Pet. 2:13–17