Murky Questions

2 Kings 10:18–35 ‘So Jehu destroyed Baal worship in Israel.’ (v28)

God wanted the destruction of Baal worship, just as He wants all people to turn away from idolatry and return to Him.

Thankfully, the life, death and resurrection of Jesus leaves us with some very different methods from those of Jehu.

After all, Jehu deceived the prophets of Baal by pretending to be one of them, promising that they would receive his royal approval – all so that he could lure them into one place to slaughter them.

Although he eradicated the Baal worship, he didn’t use means that we should emulate. We know that hearts and minds turn to God not through violence, but by receiving the truth in grace and love.

Saint Augustine of Hippo, one of the church fathers, emphasised the importance of truthfulness while addressing a group of Christians whom he believed were heretics because of their loose living and questionable theological beliefs.

In Against Lying, Augustine cited Jehu as one who cannot be seen as a model of Christian behaviour because of his lies. And the saints, argues Augustine, have no lie in their mouths (Rev. 14:5), and in heaven, there will be ‘no more liars’.

Situations we face in life can be murky ethically, raising issues about whether the ends justify the means. With these and other hard questions, we can look to God and wise Christians as we discuss the issues and search for answers. God through His Spirit will lead us.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, so much of what we face in life isn’t clear-cut. Help me to learn from You and to lean on You that I may follow Your path. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Consider whether we should laud multinational corporations for their charitable work if they don’t care for their workers, or if they make a harmful product.

Scripture To Consider:
Prov. 1:1–7& 3:5–6; Eph. 5:6–10; Jas 1:5–6