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Colossians 1:9–12 ‘We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through… the Spirit…’ (v9)

As we read Paul’s intercessory prayer for the Colossians, we can more deeply understand his concern for the new believers if we keep in mind the context.

False teachers there have been trying to entice the Christians with promises of secret knowledge to enhance their spiritual experience.

Paul, however, yearns for the young believers to understand that they received the fullness of Christ’s promises of new life at their conversion.

And so he prays for them fervently, that they would be filled with God’s wisdom through His Spirit (v9) so that they can discern what is true teaching and what is not.

He prays that they would bear fruit in their good works, for in time the false teachers will be found lacking by their empty vines.

In contrast, as they grow in their understanding of God (v10) and gain in endurance and patience (v11), they will please the Lord. Paul longs that they,

like him, will overflow with joyful thanks at how the Father enables them to share in His inheritance of the kingdom of light (v12).

True joy, Paul knows, comes from the Father, the giver of all good gifts. As we think about false teachers, as those who live in an age of conflicting philosophies and spiritualities, we can join in Paul’s prayer to remain true to the one Lord and for those in our communities to come to this freeing salvation.

You might want to highlight these verses on your phone, or print them out and carry them around with you as you seek to live a life worthy of the Lord.

A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord God, You gave King Solomon wisdom with which to govern, and kings from many countries came to seek him. May You fill us with your wisdom, for Your glory. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
Consider what false teachers you might fall prey to as you ask God for knowledge, wisdom and discernment.

Scripture To Consider:
Hos. 4:4–6; Amos 5:4–7; Rom. 11:33–36; 2 Pet. 1:2–4