Genesis 3:14–24 ‘He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live for ever.’ (v22b)
Whether you are a Christian or not, it seems obligatory to use the words RIP (Rest In Peace) in a text, Tweet or Facebook post when news of the death of a loved one or celebrity is broadcast.
The subject of death is certainly not a popular one for most, and for many is something that they fear for themselves and their loved ones.
RIP is stated more in hope than certainty, and probably without the RIG (Rise in Glory) that is the proper Christian ending of the phrase.
We are especially upset when friends or family seem to be taken ‘prematurely’. But in banishing Adam and Eve from the garden, God is effectively preventing what would be an unbearable situation, namely the continuous living of humans in decaying bodies because they have eaten from the tree of life.
Adam and Eve in their unfallen state could have eaten from the tree, as this tree is seen in the book of Revelation as something that all believers in Jesus will partake of (Rev. 22:2).
We know that for those in pain and unable to recover, death is a mercy, and in these verses, God ensures that for all humanity there will be an end.
Christians believe there is a judgment to come of course – though are less united on what form that will take.
But for now, we note that death is the sad but necessary next step for the problem of rebellion, and rejoice that Christ will come to ensure the RIG for all who have confidence in Him.

A Prayer To Make:
Lord, we know that You made humans to know and love You, not to die.
Help us to live for you. Amen.
An Action To Take:
Try and remember that RIG comes after RIP for the believer, and rejoice in that reality.
Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 23; Dan. 12:1–13; 1 Cor. 15:50–58; 2 Tim. 1:6–14