By seventyfourimages

In our home we have a large family. So, over the years, we have created a tradition of ringing a bell when it is time for the evening meal.

Once the bell is rung, children come from all directions, salivating at the prospect of food. If we have visitors, there is often some surprise at the sound of a bell being rung and even more surprise when children appear instantaneously at the meal table, seated with cutlery in hands and ready to eat.

My image of this part of the story of Nehemiah is similar, although much more serious. When the trumpet sounds the people are to put all their tools down and rush towards where the sound is coming from.

This was not an uncommon way of working. Many towns or cities would have watchmen. People who would stand on the highest point and look out for danger while others worked the ground or prepared the food.

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At the sighting of a wild animal or a band of thieves, the trumpet would be sounded and the community would respond together.

However, Nehemiah had a greater advantage than simply the sound of a trumpet and a willing crowd of people.

He knew that his mission was ordained by God and that God Himself would fight to see it through to completion. God will fight for us.

That is the promise He makes. Your battle is His battle. He is for you. And if God is for us, who can be against us?


A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, thank You that You promise to fight for us; that You are on our side and by our side. Help us to not struggle on our own, but to lean on You. Amen.’

An Action To Take:
What battle are you presently facing that feels like you are fighting alone? Ask God to fight for you. Take some time to listen to Him and see what He asks you to do.

Scripture To Consider:
Deut. 20:1–4; Josh. 1:1–9; John 10:7–18; Rom. 8:31–39

Micha Jazz is Director of Resources at Waverley Abbey, UK.