![Hitting The Wall 1 wall](https://www.barnabastoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/2023-website-1200x800-23-1024x683.jpg)
Nehemiah 4:7–10 ‘The strength of the labourers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.’ (v10)
Years ago I ran the London Marathon. It was an incredible day. I had trained for months; I was in good condition and joined thousands of others on the starting line.
I remember the moment it started to go wrong. Tower Bridge, around the halfway mark. I was feeling good and thinking, ‘This is great, I am halfway.
Just got to do that again.’ Again! That one word bounced around my head and my feet started to stumble. From that moment I went from enjoying to enduring.
I did make it round, slower than anticipated, as I had hit the wall, but pushed through thanks to the support of the crowd around me.
A similar moment happens in the story of Nehemiah. Everything is going well, the community are engaged, the wall is half built, the enemy were being held at bay and then people started to tire.
Initial enthusiasm wears off and they start to complain as they hit the ‘virtual wall’ while rebuilding an actual wall.
This happens to all of us, however healthy our physical or spiritual fitness maybe. We start off with enthusiasm to create a new habit.
To make a change in our diet, relationships, financial management, prayer life or even exercise. But then tiredness sets in and enthusiasm wanes.
It is raining, we are hungry, our bed is warm, it is too hard. We hit the wall and tell ourselves we will try again another day. Pushing through the wall is hard work and requires the support of others.
![Hitting The Wall 3 prayer-to-make-icon](https://www.barnabastoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/prayer-to-make-icon-150x150.png)
A Prayer To Make:
‘Lord, help me to not push on through in my own strength in times of exhaustion. May You be my rock and fortress where I can find refuge and recovery. Amen.’
An Action To Take:
Is there a situation that you are facing that is making you feel more tired than normal? Spend time with God asking Him to take away the burden and replace it with His ‘yoke that is easy’.
Scripture To Consider:
Ps. 34:15–20; Isa. 40:28–31; Matt. 11:28–30; Gal. 6:9–10