The women who followed Jesus during his time on earth played a vital role in his ministry. Although often overlooked, these women were devoted and actively engaged with Jesus and his mission. This article will delve into the details of the women who followed Jesus and the lessons we can learn from their lives.
Women Who Followed Jesus
In Luke 8:1–3, we learn that Jesus went from town to town, preaching the good news of the kingdom of God. His twelve disciples and a group of women healed of evil spirits and diseases accompanied him.
The women who followed Jesus were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna, and many others.
A Devoted Disciple
Mary Magdalene was a devoted disciple of Jesus, and the Gospels talk about her a lot. Mary was with Jesus at many critical times, like when he was crucified and rose from the dead. She was the first person to see Jesus alive again, and it was her job to tell the disciples about it.
A Hospitable Host
Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus and was known for her hospitality. She invited Jesus and his followers into her home and gave them food and a place to stay. Mary’s anointing Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume was an act of great love and respect.
A Witness to Jesus’ Crucifixion and Burial
Salome was one of the women who went with Jesus and his disciples as they did their work. She was present at Jesus’ crucifixion, along with Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James and Joseph. Salome is also mentioned in the Gospel stories about Jesus’ burial, where she watched over the tomb and got spices and oils for Jesus’ body.
A Supporter of Jesus’ Ministry
Joanna was a wealthy woman who supported Jesus’ ministry financially. She was married to Chuza, Herod’s steward, and was a woman of high standing. Joanna is mentioned in Luke’s Gospel as being present at the tomb on the morning of the resurrection, along with Mary Magdalene and other women.
Mary, the Mother of Jesus: A Loving and Faithful Mother
Mary, the mother of Jesus, played a pivotal role in his life and ministry. She was present at his birth, his baptism, and his crucifixion. Jesus also entrusted her care to John, one of his disciples, while he was on the cross.
Their Role in Supporting His Work
These women were not mere bystanders in Jesus’ ministry. They actively supported him and his disciples. Luke tells us that they “were contributing to their support out of their private means.” (Luke 8:3). They gave financially to help fund Jesus’ ministry and enable him to continue preaching and healing.
In addition to their financial support, these women also played an essential role in the daily practicalities of travelling and ministering. They likely cooked, cleaned, and provided other necessities for Jesus and his disciples. In this way, they helped make it possible for Jesus to focus on his preaching and healing.
Accompanying Him in His Ministry
The fact that these women followed Jesus from town to town is significant. In those days, it was not customary for women to travel with men who were not their relatives.
But these women were willing to break with tradition to follow Jesus and support his ministry. They believed in him and his message and were ready to go to great lengths to be a part of it.
There are many lessons we can learn from the women who followed Jesus. Here are just a few:
1) Support the Ministry.
Like these women, we can contribute financially and practically. We can give our time, talent, and resources to help spread the gospel and support those preaching and teaching it.
2) Be willing to break with tradition.
Sometimes following Jesus means going against cultural norms or expectations. We should be ready to step out in faith and do what God calls us, even if it’s not the popular or expected choice.
3) Stay committed, even in difficult times.
These women did not abandon Jesus when things got tough. They stayed with him through his crucifixion and burial and were rewarded with the joy of witnessing his resurrection. We, too, should remain committed to Jesus, even when following him is hard or unpopular.
Final words
The women who followed Jesus actively participated in his ministry and played vital roles in his life and death.
- Mary’s unwavering love and faithfulness to her son remind us of the importance of family and the role of mothers in shaping their children’s lives.
- Salome’s presence at Jesus’ crucifixion and burial reminds us of standing by those we love in difficult times.
- Mary of Bethany serves as a reminder of the importance of hospitality and making others feel welcome.
- Mary Magdalene’s unwavering love for Jesus shows how vital strong faith is and how strong the power of redemption is.
- Joanna’s example teaches us the importance of using our resources to support causes that are important to us.
From Mary Magdalene’s unwavering devotion to Jesus to Salome’s presence at the crucifixion and burial, each woman teaches us important lessons about faith, hospitality, standing by loved ones in hard times, supporting important causes, and the importance of family. May we learn from their examples and strive to live our lives with the same level of devotion and love.