The New Testament clearly describes how Jesus’ appearances after His resurrection radically transformed his disciples. These encounters helped them overcome their fears and prepared them to face persecution courageously.
In this article, we’ll look at three important lessons from these events and how they relate to today’s Church facing similar challenges
Victory Over Death
In the Resurrection narratives, we read that Mary Magdalene and a few other women found the tomb empty. They heard the angel declare, “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said” (Matt. 28:6).
Jesus’ resurrection appearance was quite a revelation for these women who were engulfed with grief and sorrow. More importantly, Jesus’ resurrection was an affirmation of His divine identity and “promise fulfilment”.
For today’s suffering Church, the resurrection experience offers profound hope and a renewed purpose, encouraging believers to move from fear to boldly sharing the gospel amidst hate and hostility.
Validation Of Faith
Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Jesus also turned her despair into overwhelming joy and strengthened her faith. Jesus’ disciples also experienced a radical transformation.
Initially, the disciples were disillusioned and fearful after Jesus’ crucifixion. They mostly remained behind closed doors, fearing violent attacks. However, Jesus’ appearances revived their faith and enthused them to share the message of hope without fear and anxiety.
This transformation underscores the power of personal encounters with the risen Christ to renew faith and courage in difficult times. Do we let our experiences with Christ renew our faith and help others find hope and joy in tough times?
The Call To Witness
Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances were crucial moments where He entrusted His followers with the Great Commission ( Mt. 28:16 – 17). Interestingly, Jesus connected the disciples’ mission with the divine directive of His own mission: “As the Father sent me, I send you” (John 20:21).
The disciples recognised the missional call on their lives. However, they were not entirely on their own. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit – the Comforter to his followers to strengthen their witness (Lk. 24:49).
Jesus’ promise of the Holy Spirit to his followers is a vital reassurance for today’s suffering Church. Despite trials and persecution, we are not alone in our mission. The Holy Spirit provides comfort, strength, and guidance, empowering you to spread the gospel with courage and hope.
Jesus’ post-resurrection appearances in the New Testament serve as valuable sources for renewing our faith and resolve to witness amidst persecution. How can we lean on the Holy Spirit’s presence today to strengthen our resolve and continue our divine calling and mission?