Home Faith Bible Quiz Family Bible Quiz – Isaac – The Promised Son (Genesis 21 –... FaithBible Quiz Family Bible Quiz – Isaac – The Promised Son (Genesis 21 – 35) By Barnabas Today - 16 October 2021 FacebookTwitterWhatsAppEmailPrint 205 Isaac - The Promised Son (Genesis 21 - 35) What is the meaning of Isaac? (Gen 21:3) 1. Humble 2. Trouble 3. Peace 4. He Laughs 2. Name the father of Isaac? (Gen 21:5) 1. Cain 2. Noah 3. Adam 4. Abraham 3. How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? (Gen 21:5) 1. 60 years old 2. 35 years old 3. 100 years old 4. 40 years old 4. Name Isaac’s brother who was born to Hagar? (Gen 21:8-10) 1. Abraham 2. Ishmael 3. Adam 4. Noah 5. What did Abraham sacrifice on the altar instead of Isaac? (Gen 22:13) 1. Lamb 2. Ram 3. Goat 4. Dove 6. Abraham commanded that Isaac should not marry a ________________ . (Gen 24:3) 1. Ishmaelite 2. Canaanite 3. Philistine 4. Egyptian 7. Where was Isaac when he first saw Rebekah? (Gen 24:63) 1. Sodom 2. In the field 3. Near the Cave of Mamre 4. On the Mt Moriah 8. What returns did Isaac receive from the crops he sowed in Gerar? (Gen 26:12) 1. 100 fold 2. 20 fold 3. 50 fold 4. 30 fold 9. To whom did Isaac mention that Rebecca was his sister? (Gen 26:8-9) 1. King Abimelek 2. Lamech 3. Seth 4. Cain 10. What did Isaac suffer from in his old age? (Gen 27:1) 1. Blindness 2. Deaf 3. Leprosy 4. Lame Your score is 0% Restart quiz Exit RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR S.K. Rudra: The Struggle for Indian-Christian Identity Freedom to Believe: A Prayer Inspired by John What The Ambani Wedding Tells Us About Ourselves? When Temptation Goes Digital: Finding Your Way Back to Digital Health and Balance 3 Powerful Leadership Lessons from Biblical Women