‘For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.’ (v14) Ephesians 2:11–18
Finding ‘inner peace’ is the express longing of many people. Life not only makes physical demands, but also emotional and psychological. Whilst we turn to sleep to recharge our tired body, we may lie awake for hours unable to wind down within.
Peace with God is closely related to peace with self. There are positive steps we can adopt. We can acknowledge both our inner turmoil and, when known, its cause.
Then, choose to turn to God, the source of peace and acceptance. This may require work as we are consistently hijacked by our anxieties. Finally, we can talk with family and friends, those who know and love us and whom we trust. Sometimes they may guide us towards some appropriate, professional help.
As disciples, God has granted us access to the One who knows us inside out, for He created us. Only as we find inner peace can we fully embrace life.
We discover our security in God and accept who we are; the good, the bad and the indifferent. We are not perfect, but we are invited to grow towards perfection by God’s grace (Matt. 5:48).
In a world in which every aspect of our outer and inner persona is scrutinised, how wonderful that we are accepted by God for who we are, not for who we might like to be.
So we can be comfortable with who we are and then learn to grow in personal confidence and find all that’s needed for a fulfilling life.

SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Isa. 41:8–20; Psa. 119:161–168; Rom. 8:18–39; Luke 12:1–7.
AN ACTION TO TAKE: Learning to accept ourselves with the openness and generosity with which God welcomes us is often complex. Do we have the courage to learn to love ourselves, warts and all?
A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, thank You for loving me unconditionally. May I learn to see myself through Your accepting eyes of love. Amen.’
Photo by Ajith from Pixahive