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Dr Patrick Sookhdeo

Dr Patrick Sookhdeo is the International Director of Barnabas Fund and the Executive Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life.
At least 150 people (many more according to local estimates) were killed in an outbreak of inter-communal violence in the city of Kaduna in Northern Nigeria, which began on 21 May 2001. Thousands of people fled their homes as dozens...
Javaid, a 19-year-old Christian student, was on his way to visit his grandfather in Punjab Province, Pakistan. While waiting at a bus stop, he felt thirsty and drank from a tap belonging to an Islamic seminary. It was an act...
Однажды воскресным вечером после богослужения один пожилой христианин поехал развезти по домам двух пожилых христианок. По дороге он заметил человека, упавшего с велосипеда. Христианин остановил машину, вышел и пошел к нему, чтобы предложить помощь. В ответ велосипедист достал бейсбольную...