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Paul Mursalin

Paul Mursalin is a member of the International Board of Barnabas Aid from Guyana.
Prayer is the most potent weapon in the hands of a simple and ordinary child of God. In this series on the Power of Prayer, I will examine several perspectives on the nature of prayer and the outcomes of...
We have entered the Christmas season and there is excitement everywhere. What is Christmas all about? Read to know the real meaning of Christmas!
The most significant reason for Jesus coming to the earth is tied up in John’s declaration to Nicodemus. John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should...
In Exodus 30:18-21, the Lord charged Moses to make a bronze laver for washing. “Make a bronze basin, with its bronze stand, for washing. Place it between the tent of meeting and the altar, and put water in it....
The Tabernacle as God’s Protection In the wilderness, the tabernacle was placed in the centre with three tribes camping on each side. The tribe of Levi, from which the priest and tabernacle servants came, camped on the east side near...
Israel journeyed to the Promised Land and witnessed several encounters with God along the way. The Lord wanted to dwell among them, to lead them at every step and protect them from invading armies along the way. The Lord...
God’s Promised Presence As children of God, the Lord will always back His Word and provide His presence in life's challenges. In Deuteronomy 31:8, Moses wrote, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never...
Entering the Promised Land In the wilderness journey, from the Red Sea to the Promised Land, there were three recorded incidents involving the need for water. God handled each incident differently.  Did Moses ever enter the Promised Land? This is a...
Moses's first-time encounter with God, took place when he was eighty years of age. He knew that he was an Israelite and that he would one day deliver Israel from Egyptian bondage. But he never had a personal encounter...
Earmarked for Leadership Many people do not realize that Moses’s actual, first-time encounter with God came when he was eighty years old. This first-time encounter occurred at the burning bush. Although, the Lord had undergirded his life from birth and...