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Rt. Rev'd Keerthisiri Fernando

Rt. Rev'd Keerthisiri Fernando is the Bishop of Kurunegala in the Diocese of Kurunegala, Church of Ceylon, Sri Lanka
During his earthly ministry, Jesus had encounters with people from many social, cultural and religious backgrounds. Among these encounters the one with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well was exceptional. Breaking Barriers It was unique because Jesus had to cross many...
How can you ensure your prayers are not isolated from action? Discover the key to persistence in prayer.
O Lord the Ultimate Reality; The Reality beyond all Realities; The eternal truth among us. We command our beautiful island of the Indian Ocean into your loving hand. Thank you, Lord, for our diversity of religions, ethnicities, cultures and languages. Lord help us...
Theologically speaking Eucharist is a harvest festival. Because we offer fruits of the earth and of human labour at every Eucharist. Bread is made out of wheat flour. People work hard to get the harvest of wheat. Wine is...
Holy Spirit  THE COUNSELLOR සහයදායකයාණන්වහන්සේ Παρακλητος We Christians believe in God. It is our faith that God, the ultimate reality, became a human being in Jesus Christ. We have never seen God. Although we read about Jesus in the Bible and believe...
Today, we celebrate "the Feast of the Ascension," and next Sunday is called "Ascension Sunday." According to the Christian Conference of Asia, Ascension Sunday is also called "Asia Sunday". When Jesus lived in this world as a human being,...
What is the most important thing in our lives? Everyone has a varied opinion about the most important thing. Some people think that it is wealth, and there are others who place importance on happiness in their lives. So,...
We are observing the season of Lent. During this season, we make an attempt to take account of our lives. We examine our inner lives. To do this, we use different means. Fasting is one of the traditional ways...
If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brother and sister, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own...
The age-old question “why do innocent...