Home Authors Posts by Samuel Thambusamy

Samuel Thambusamy

Samuel Thambusamy is a PhD candidate with the Oxford Center for Religion and Public Life.
The Ambani family wedding was a grand spectacle. This over-the-top fairytale wedding was opulent, extravagant and opulent.  The optics was more than enough to set the social media abuzz and to get everyone's attention  Our Collective Hypocrisy  Interestingly, the euphoria has had...
The digital provides - instincts, images and ideas - which may be “excellent” and “pleasing” to our senses, but we must listen to God before we take the "byte." We are overwhelmed with images, messages and ideas in the digital...
How can you actively seek moments of intimacy with Jesus? Think of how you can allow these encounters to experience his glory and hear his voice speaking to your heart. Jesus, your Saviour, is worthy of all honour and praise....
Many Indian Christians fast during the week. In South Asia, fasting has been a part of spiritual practice for centuries. Fasting is the practice of abstaining from food or certain activities for a period of time to focus on...
All too often, we hear the same complaints: "This is too complicated," "I don't get half this technical jargon," or "It reads more like something for scholars than for me." These far too common reactions point to a vital...
In the Days of Caesar: Pentecostalism and Political Theology by Amos Yong. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010. 377 pp._____________________________________________ Doesn't ‘being Pentecostal’ and ‘being Political’ seem contradictory? Prof. Amos Yong’s book, “In the Days of Caesar:...
Today, the digital is a natural part of our everyday lives. The availability of smart digital devices and cheaper mobile internet has also caused a seismic shift in our digital landscape.  The digital is ubiquitous. It surrounds us. The daily...
Living in the digital realm can be an incredibly daunting experience. Our attention is constantly being pulled in every direction by the influx of notifications, emails, and social media updates that constantly demand our attention.  In the midst of all...
Following Jesus is an ongoing process and one that looks different in the digital age. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” In Mark 1:17, Jesus calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John...
God,You have given us new Life.An Identity.A sense of Belonging.You have adopted us into your family. And yet,We don’t come together as often as we should.We are indifferent.We are inconsiderate.We hold back.We avoid.We neglect to meet together. And even if we...