‘When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered round Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”’ (v1) Exodus 32:1–9

It’s essential that we wait for God’s revelation alone. As the disciples awaited the Holy Spirit, they chose an apostle, Mattias, by lot. Was this human action or divine inspiration? Mattias was appointed before the disciples were baptised in the Spirit, and not by Jesus. This is his one appearance in Scripture.

There is a danger when left to our own devices that we fill times of waiting for God with ideas born of human ingenuity. This is always our choice and challenge: to trust God or rely upon ourselves.

The Israelites, waiting for Moses to return from his sojourn with God on Mount Horeb, decided to take matters into their own hands. Perhaps intimidated by the crowd of restless Israelites, Aaron fails to withstand their demands, preferring to placate human impatience rather than plead for God’s presence.

Church history is littered with plans born of human ingenuity, requiring energy and resources, which advanced God’s kingdom, not one centimetre. This remains true today when the crafting of schemes to further God’s cause knows no limit.

Impatience is a human weakness; God asks that we wait, watch and pray. In His good time, there will be the visitation of God’s Spirit, who alone can usher in authentic expressions of God’s kingdom on earth.

Related Scripture to Consider: Acts 1:12–26; 1 Sam. 13:1–15; Heb. 10:19–39; Psa. 130.

An Action to Take: Impatience is to be restless with current circumstances. God’s promise is trustworthy, and He invites us to wait in patient trust. Is this invitation one you need to accept?

A Prayer to Make: ‘Lord, in repentance and rest is my salvation and in quietness and trust is my strength. Help me to cultivate patience throughout my life.’ (See Isaiah 30:15.)

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