Transformation EDWJ August 24

‘Now the LORD is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom.’ (v17) 2 Corinthians 3:17-18

The purpose of spiritual formation is personal transformation. This is evident by marked changes. Many tell of a significant change when they accept Christ, but transformation is a process, never an event. If my life’s testimony is only my story of accepting Christ, then maybe I’m in need of an update.

Our garden is frequented by snails. We can see their trails where they’ve crisscrossed our patio. Looking back, we should see clear progress in our Christian life stretching behind us like a snail trail. If there is no trail, then my journey may have stagnated. 

As disciples, we’re never in competition with each other, for we each have a distinct purpose entrusted to us by God. Nor do two journeys look the same. God walks alongside us, interpreting the Scriptures to reveal more of Himself. When we stagnate, we stop growing and, once we stop growing spiritually, our faith starts dying. 

Many pull out of their faith journey partway through. They lose sight of God and dismiss much of what they once believed. This can happen to any of us. Hence, we need to keep seeking transformation by daily looking to God. It’s our responsibility to pursue transformation; it doesn’t come looking for us.

RELATED SCRIPTURE TO CONSIDER: Psa. 103:1-5; Lam. 3:19-27; 2 Pet. 1:3-11; 1 John 3:1-6.

AN ACTION TO TAKE: What is your testimony of transformation? Where do you see God at work in your life and what are you actively seeking in God?

A PRAYER TO MAKE: ‘Lord, guide my steps daily so I discover more of You and learn how to fulfil Your purpose in my life. Amen.’ 

Photo by Todd Kent on Unsplash